About Us

I Have No Filter was born out of a need to be real — to call out situations and people the way they really are (and how you wish you could really say it).

It’s a line of cards (and eventually more) that seek to debunk fake politeness, disrupt silent thinking (or judgment) and celebrate the snarky and sarcastic, when life situations get tough (so like always)

These cards aren’t a magic pill (that’s not legal yet), but when mailed or slipped under the door — or even mailed to me instead of the intendee, they’ll deliver the desired effect of: 

  • getting something off your chest

  • claiming your inner badass and saying what you really think

  • bucking the shame to say what’s bothering you and risk being ‘unpolite’ 

  • acknowledging the elephant in the room

When this happens, I’ll have accomplished the second most important thing in my life (after my kids) — bringing closure, peace, a chuckle and some well-needed and refreshing honesty to others. 

Join me. And welcome


What’s this about?

The card categories are personal and initially started out as an idea for my ex — who I’m still friendly with. I was driving one day and it dawned on me that it was almost the 1-year anniversary of our breakup and I thought, ‘shit, that was pretty monumental, we should commemorate that.’

I guess I have a few issues to deal with because the list of ideas kept growing.

Unfiltered categories include:

  • Divorceaversary – why not celebrate the day you were liberated? 

  • It’ll be ok kids – it’s hard to comfort your child when you need comforting too. You can be the parent to them that you wish you had. 

  • You suck, now or always – Maybe you’re overly sensitive now that you’re divorced. Or maybe your friends always sucked. Let them know. 

  • Who finds someone first? – Are you hoping that it’s you before him (or her)? Not to get too petty but you’ll just feel better if you’re hitched first. Rub it in.  

  • At least you gave me kids – Your own version of a Happy Father’s/Mother’s Day card. Because he/she did help give you your children. So there’s that.

  • Hey Neighbor (I don’t need to know this) – We all have them, so here are a few cards for the neighbors we wish we didn’t have, have to see or interact with. Nice pants Bob. 

How it works

1. Buy the card

2. Write what you feel
(be honest and get it off your chest)

3. Mail it, hand it out, or slide it anonymously under the door

Each card has a name (changed, to spare the not-so-innocent) and a mini story to provide context and humor. This story won’t necessarily be yours and it doesn’t have to be but I want to share the reason behind the card. 

Every card is illustrated — pictures are just a must — and mine are bold, unique and varied. I didn’t want to be like everyone else and just write it out. You know. Standard. Typical. Boring. Besides, pictures are worth a thousand words, right? Right.

Like an image on a different card? Let me know. I can swap out and use any of the illustrations you see. Have something in mind? Let me know and we’ll see what I can do.

Oh and if you can't bring yourself to do any of those actions, then send it to me. it’ll make you feel better to get it off your chest. And you’ll save thousands in therapy.

Plus, I love mail (that isn’t a bill!)

About me, Max

Do you want to know the one thing that’s stayed consistent throughout my life?

People telling me, “Geez Max, you have no filter.”

After a pretty crappy few years — negotiating my dad’s 5th divorce (2019, she left him after 30 years), the death of my mom (2020), dad’s death (2021) and my divorce (2022). Oh, and Covid. Right, forgot about Covid — I had an idea. To take what’s always been me, this almost righteous crusade to be direct, honest and real, combined with my unyielding belief that people need it and secretly wanted to hear it, and do something about it. 

I knew this should be a thing when I watched Adele and her Oprah interview. There were so many similarities — guilt at breaking up a nuclear home, the fear of being selfish and hated by your son, the warmness still felt toward her ex which many felt was odd, but I understood.

And I remembered that saying I saw someplace, somewhere — be the parent you wanted as a child. And I remember what I wanted most as a child was to feel safe, to feel like I mattered but also to have explained what was happening in a way I could understand  so that my imagination didn’t run wild. 

So I created I Have No Filter to honor everyone who feels the same. Everyone who has something to say and just needs to get it off their chest. 

All it takes is a stamp.

Help me spread the word

Join my affiliated, not affiliated network. Friend me on Facebook and Follow me on Instagram.

But the real prize is this: get 5 of your friends (or whatever) to do the same and have them tag me and use #Ihavenofilter and I’ll create a custom card just for you.

Read Our Unfiltered Blog